Thursday, December 10, 2009

What are some events that are similar to the Holocaust?

I need three events that are similar to the Holocaust. None of them can be the situation in Darfur and to be on the safe side, I'm hoping to find three things that are happening in present or past that did not occur in Africa.

What are some events that are similar to the Holocaust?ballet

Here are 3 - don't know if they are what you are looking for .....

1) The Spanish Inquisition: 1478-1834

2) Asian Holocaust and Japanese war atrocities

3) “Armenian Holocaust” - The efforts for drawing some, considerable, parallels between the fates of the European Jews and Armenians of the Ottoman Empire aim to expand the recognition of the 1915 incidents as genocide. Because the Holocaust is the most inhuman treatment of man to man and anything similar, or the same, deserves to be condemned and, consequently, punished. However, the calamity befell upon the Jews is so grave and it is not easy to call every instance of great human losses the Holocaust. Therefore, it is worth noting that Armenian historians tend to distinguish both the Armenian experience and the Holocaust from all other instances of great human losses. If they manage to make the 1915 incidents recognized as Holocaust, first simply to the public and later to the legislatures of various countries, laws of these countries prohibiting even academic criticism of the Holocaust would also apply to the Armenian case.

What are some events that are similar to the Holocaust?globe theater opera theater

cromwell in ireland wen he killed all d irish
dont know its probably horrible!

look up how many "pre-born" that have been killed in the us sinse row vs way- it is equevlent to 9 of the sothern states
There aren't many cases of a mass genocide going on.

However, you could describe the deaths of millions of unborn babies that is happening in America, and is being hailed as a "right".
The genocide in Iraq.
The ILLEGAL occupation/massacre by Israel on the Palestinians
Cambodia 1974-79.
the cambodian killing fields.

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