Saturday, December 5, 2009

Chinese Civil War Events?

I know the....second sino-japanese war, people's republiic of China, and the japanese invasion of the Manchuria happened but is there any big events i left out?

Chinese Civil War Events?performing art center

How about the Proletarian Cultural Revolution

The Nanjing Massacre

Or the Time (can't remember the name) the nationalists attempted to kill off all the Communists in an ambush that failed.

The Nationalists, who are now in Taiwan, beilieved in a political philosophy similar to that of Musselini's Italy. However, there are marked differences. Dr. Sun Yat Sen the founder of the Republic of China (Not PRC) went abroad studying political theory in Europe his entire life. He used the knowledge he obtained there to create a plan to unite china and protect it from being controlled by foreign powers in the future. This was in like 1938.

Dr. Sun was the leader of the movement that actually overthrew the corrupt and final dynasty of China. He took political control of China and unified it. Him and his general organized huge masses of people to work together in an effort to improve the country. Hundreds of thousands of volunteer citizens grouped together to accomplish amazing feats, like damning a river and building huge bridges connecting areas accross water.

Dr. Sun believed in the political philosophy of a genius at the head of the country, deciding what was best for all.

However one, what made his political strategy unique among Dictators was the plan to eventually give more power back to the people. Just during the time period of development and establishment of China as a stable country the Executive power would be immense in order to ensure stability throughout the process. But individual property rights would be given back and the people's power would be equalized after the shift. As it is now in Taiwan

There was one problem with this however. At the same time the Communists were in Russia and were worried about China becoming a factory zone for the European Capitalists (devils). So, even though the communist masterminds (Marx, etc.) themselves wrote "There is no place for communism in undeveloped nations" because communism can only take place in an industrialized nation that has the majority of the population working in factories and has the means to support it's people through manufacture. In the communist doctrine it said that there is no need for communism in a government based on agriculture or farming.

The russian Communists only wanted to enter China for one reason; to take political control in order to keep industrialized European nations from gaining power there. So the Communists entered China, under false pretenses and began spreading their doctrine (which was out of place and unneccessary)

This gave rise to Mao Ze Dong, the communist spokesperson. To make matters worse the japanese were also attacking China and massacreing everyone in order to gain the land.

The communists were undermining the Republic of China and visa versa. Communists were slaughtered by the Republic and the Republic's political slogans were stolen by the Communists.

Mao used, word for word, the slogans of the Republic, just changing Republic of China to Communist Party. However, once the Party got control, all the promises made were taken back (eg; Mao promised not to take away the personal right to property, then after gaining control, claimed all land as the property of the government)

Eventually, because of the General of the Republic's refusal to combine efforts with the Communists in fighting the Japanese, they lost control of the mainland after finally defeating the Japanese in WW2. This is when the Republic of China fled to Taiwan. And the People Republic of China (PRC, and really a misleading name for a communist country) took over the Mainland in 1949. Mao closed China off, started making steel instead of food which in turn caused widespread starvation, then had the proletariate cultural revolution, which was ten years of mass murder and chaos. Finally after all of these terrible mistakes he died and luckily Deng Xiao Ping took over. Opened up China and things began to improve, and have steadily improved until today.

Chinese Civil War Events?theatre tickets opera theater

Arguably the faction fight between Mao and the pro-Moscow communists.

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