Thursday, December 10, 2009

Are eclipses, comets and other celestial events still seen as messages from God?

Many, many moons ago people saw these events as messages from God, sometimes good sometimes bad. Now that these events can be predicted and tracked, do modern people, namely Christians, still believe that they are a special message from God?

Are eclipses, comets and other celestial events still seen as messages from God?met opera

I think most people nowadays see them as expected events, rather than as messages from God. After all, we can predict them hundreds of years in the future, and they occur on regular patterns.

Personally, I think last night's orange moon was a message from Sky Bunny.

Are eclipses, comets and other celestial events still seen as messages from God?movie theatre opera theater

Only when witnessed by people who don't know God.
I think it's a message from god. The message: "I could kill you at any moment. MUAHAHAHAA"
rebel it's an ufo with jesus at the helm
Hell, with some of these people, a cockroach crawling across the kitchen floor is seen as a "message from God"!
I don't know about it being a message but it is a wonderful sight to behold and a marvel to see God's creation work in such a well planned out way.
No, they are astronomical. And no where in the Bible did believers see such events as "signs" or messages. There was only two such signs given. One was to make the sundial go backward, the other was the sun and moon standing still in the sky. Now THOSE were signs from God.

Only the New Moon was considered for the timing of the new month because the Jews were on a lunar calendar.
no they are just Gods orderliness
Last night I went running outside in a half-frenzied state (thinking i'd missed the show) and my roommate was outside saying goodbye to his girlfriend. i interrupted their 'moment' by yelling "did you see the moon? where is the moon!?"

my roomate responded by shuffling his girl into her car and telling her to, "get out of here now!" as she sped off i asked what that was about and it seems they both thought i was going to moon them. neither knew there was an eclipse.

after that, my roommate and I got on our roof with some beverages and watched the show...seems i had not missed it.
Wow you should hear the ridiculous talk here. We had a meteor burn-in on Monday, the eclipse last night, and I woke up to an earthquake this morning blasted all over the news. The radio is rampant with doomsday forecasters. I've had to turn the radio %26amp; TV off.
I don't know but I'm sure if you see it that way then it probably is!! =)%26gt;
Many, many moons ago...


^^^^^here is your answer, and it is *hail* NOT *hale*...

wow, only christians believe that ? had not idea, but thanks for sharing...

the stench of your hate for christians is offensive...
Imagine if they had seen the Aurora Borealis.

They would freak out!
Sure, why not? I imagine space as a giant blackboard, where G-d Himself is demonstrating the equations of motion.

Last night's eclipse was just a chalk mark on the board, representing:

E - e sin(E) = 2蟺t/T

His message is: Here is how the world works. Now go do your homework so you can predict the next one...

(LOL at Sky Bunny. He must think that moon was orange because it was made of carrots. But we all know it was cheddar cheese.)


I guess I should have answered, "The medium is the message." LOL!
No, I don't think so. Although there was a cult about 15 years ago that thought that a flying saucer was in the tail of the Hale-Bopp Comet and they all had to put on their special running shoes and drink the magic kool-aid, and die, to get on board.

There is a neat passage from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle about fiery dragons appearing in the air - probably comets and shooting stars. "In this year terrible portents appeared in Northumbria, and miserably afflicted the inhabitants: these were exceptional flashes of lightning and fiery dragons were seen flying in the air."

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Year 793).

We have to remember, though, that had we been born back in those days we would have thought them dragons as well. There was no point of reference to perceive rocks in the sky. They weren't stupid people. They were people no different than ourselves, only with different experiences and upbringing.

I'm not sure what the Heaven's Gate people's excuse was...

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