Saturday, December 5, 2009

How did the events of the conviction of klaus Fuchs and the rosenbergs help/hurt the red scare mood?

we are sure that the russians were not intelligent enough to build their own atomic bomb. we felt vindicated when klaus fuchs, the rosenbergs and several others were convicted as spies. how did these events help/hurt the red scare mood?

How did the events of the conviction of klaus Fuchs and the rosenbergs help/hurt the red scare mood?theatre

Well in gave affirmation to their worst fears.

A network of spies, gleaning secrets of the atom bomb, a host of couriers and traitors, led by an insignificant man, assisted by a loyal wife, caught by the testimony of the wife's brother, culminating in the unprecedented executions of both husband and wife --- this is the setting for the most sensational espionage case of World War Two and its aftermath: The case of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

The Cold War started to develop between the United States and the Soviet Union in

the middle of the twentieth century. Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, became the main anti-communistic figure in U.S. government. On February 9,1950 he said that "Communism not only threatened capitalism but that Russia was a moral enemy of the United States." (Moss,Wilson,220) He organized HUAC, The House Un-American Activities Committee. McCarthy held hearings where he asked people whether they have ever participated in communist activities. The ones who answered yes were blacklisted and could not find jobs. People who came before the committee also had an option to "take the Fifth." The Fifth Amendment gave people the right against self-incrimination, meaning that they did not have to testify or give evidence against themselves. However, most of the people who "took the fifth," were under suspicion. The "red scare hysteria grew."(Larsen,25) The Internal Security Act of 1950 made not only political actions illegal but also political beliefs. The word "communist" became synonymous with the word "Russian spy." ( Larsen, 24-27) McCarthy and FBI director J. Edgar Hoover were convinced that the communist spies in the U.S. were selling the secrets of nuclear weapons to the Soviet Union. They arrested many people including Klaus Fuchs who was a member of the Manhattan Project and who was selling information about the atomic bomb to Moscow. McCarthy and Hoover "began a massive witch-hunt," which led to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. (Moss,220-222)

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