Thursday, December 10, 2009

Opinions on current events?

why is ok to slag off Americans, Poles, Eastern Europeans, on current events yet as soon as anybody says anything anti Islamic/Muslim everyone is up in arms.

Is it currently in "vogue" to be pro-Islamic/anti American?

Dont bother telling me I have said nasty things about Muslims cos I know I have.

There is a definite gang mentality on here and its very interesting to see.

What is your take on this ?

Opinions on current events?star theater

you could be right

it is definitely acceptable to criticise US, Eastern Europeans etc but any criticism at all about muslims is likely to cause a riot

the muslims object (naturally) and the PC brigade run and kiss their wounded a***s.

i am not anti-American - i am pro-American - and saying so earned me 13 thumbs down (a record for me) - i may now be the target of some of these trolls i hear so much about......

there is gang mentality on yahoo - and i can honestly say - i don't KNOW anyone personally;i don't agree with questions to be PC; i don't agree with my 'friends'; i don't tell people how intelligent, articulate etc they are; i don't agree with 'myself' and my clones (i don't have any);i tell the truth and some people don't like it.


just read kamran's answer - proof - 'americ**ts' - used liberally when spilling anti-american cr**

Opinions on current events?extension opera theater

There is not a gang mentality on here but there is people with very differing views and sometimes there is some polarisation
What about the Scottish ? It seems that it is in fashion to be anti-Scottish.We have been called everything under the sun and more lately.
you missed out slagging scots
I think you are right.
My take is that you are very observant. This area is overrun by shrill voices of anti-Americans and terrorist sympathizers.

That said, there does appear to be a contingent of quieter and saner-minded folks who balance out some of the thumbs. I'm surprised that some of my comments get as many thumbs-ups as they do, given the mostly far-left wanker crowd that dominates around here.

Edit: Kamran's so vain, he probably thinks this comment is about him. Little does he know that his ego has some serious competition.
It's the same in Religion %26amp; Spirituality. Personally I'm pro-America, anti-Islam and I don't care who my opinion offends. There is a gang mentality but it doesn't bother me becuase unlike muslims I respect other people's (except theirs obviously) right to have different opinions than mine. I think certain groups are shocked that people are no longer afraid of being inaccurately accused of racism if they voice opposition to Islam.
100% correct! Gang mentality? You got it in one and I will show you.

Not on here, email and I will let you know.
lots of groups of people and even idividuals get slagged off on here and NONE of it is OK.

The anti-Islamic thing gets to me because a large proportion of it is sheer ignorance.
Hi Ditto! How are ya babe? Of course you are right. I posted a question the other day concerning muslims that was nowhere near as offensive as some of the anti-American crap I've seen on here, in fact, I felt it was done with a nice touch of irony and not the usual meanspiritedness you see in these parts. However, nobody, save one, seemed to "get it", I got called a racist in every imaginable way, received a violation, and had the question deleted. The funny thing was, I asked this in current events, about a current event, and 95% of the people who replied had no clue what I was referring to. If that's typical of what's going on here, they should do away with the Current Events title, and rename the board, The Place To Shoot Off Your Mouth About Topics On Which You Are Completely Misinformed.
i know you are referring to me

prove i am anti polish, eastern European

don't play dumb, you accuse me of being anti-American (no such thing) and a polish hater, please back up your lies

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