Thursday, December 10, 2009

Name some imprtant events that occured in 2001 and 1991?

it can be people, places, famous people, events...

I need this for my APUSH class. Any help is welcome because I am exchange student and don't know much about your history but i would love to learn.

Name some imprtant events that occured in 2001 and 1991?opera music

1991-the beginning of the disintegration of Yugoslavia

2001-attacks on the US by Al Quaeda

Name some imprtant events that occured in 2001 and 1991?opera sheet music opera theater

9/11/01 - Terrorist attack on US
Yep, 9/11.

I believe 2001 was Operation Desert Storm in Iraq/Kuwait (if I remember correctly); I can remember sitting at lunch with friends (seniors, already 18) who were scared they were going to get called up after graduation.
2001 - The 9/11 terrorist attack(bombing of the world trade center) in US.

1991 - [Go to]

-Operation Desert Storm

-UN Sanctions imposed against Libya because of Lockerbie bombing

-Slovenia and Croatia and Macedonia gain independence from Yugoslavia

-Mike Tyson is arrested and charged with raping

-Lech Walesa is elected President of Poland

-Freddie Mercury, stricken with AIDS, died

-Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as president of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union officially ceases to exist

-Uzbekistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Axerbaijan, Ukraine, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Estonia gain independence


-The US ( George W Bush ) refuses to sign the Kyoto Agreement on Climate Change


-United States invades Afghanistan

-Ethnic Albanian extremists carry out a bomb attack on a bus convoy in Kosovo

-Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic is arrested

-Wikipedia goes online

-Russian space station Mir is decommisioned and re-enters the atmosphere landing in the Pacific

-Microsoft releases Windows XP

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