Saturday, December 5, 2009

Do the main events in TNA bore you?

The whole Sting vs Kurt Angle thing was rubbish, it was obvious that Angle would win in the end, don't you think they should put other wrestlers in the main events? And stop making TNA results so predictable. from the whole Genesis paper view nothing actually shocked me. Team 3D losing wasnt even a suprise to me.

You're comments?


Do the main events in TNA bore you?theatre tickets

You know what TNAs problem is dude:they look like a regional promotion with the IMPACT ZONE,and SIX SIDED RING [WHICH IS STUPID AS A GIMMICK],and two separate entrance ramps.TNA is similar to original ECW,ONLY THAT PROMOTION HAD A BINGO HALL,TNA HAS AN IMPACT ZONE. they shud stop giving pushes to wwe ejects like angle and start creating some stars of thier own,which they cant,atleast wwe created stars like mvp,kennedy etc. tna however finds it tough to make their stars marketable.

Do the main events in TNA bore you?opera house opera theater

You can say that aging, wrestling was better in 1990 than it is now, but I stll wach it.
i've been bored with vince russo for years.
ano i agree

there soo dramatic someone punches someone and the crowd go mad lol
TNA is getting worse and worse than when Jeff Jarrett was champ for like 2 years interest in TNA is starting to dwindle. I like Kurt Angle and have been a Sting fan since I was four years old, but I want to see NEW faces feuding for TNA's top title. I want to see wrestlers like Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Robert Roode, and the former AMW lead TNA, not these guys.

TNA is trying to emulate WWE's Attitude Era, but it's not working.
The only think I'm impressed with in TNA is the WHC. I just can't get into anything else because the way its booked confuses me.
Everything sucks now
Hell no it doesn't bore ME!!!! Can't speak for others but they usually have better main events than WWE! However, they didn't focus on Sting vs. Kurt Angle because there was always someone else invovled. That F'd that storyline up. If it was like HHH vs. Umaga, it would have been better. Because it's just those two guys. When you have a main event there should never be too much of a distraction because the audience at home and at the arena will lose focus. I think the best thing to do with the Sting vs. Kurt Angle thing is to drop it right now. It is bad to fix a three guy storyline. The only exception to this was Benoit vs. HBK vs. HHH. So they need to either let Sting beat Angle and keep the title for a while. Then let Kurt feud with Nash. Or let Kurt feud with someone else and let Sting feud with Nash.

That is the only way they can save this storyline. Wow, I'm better than Dave Meltzer, LOL!
tna bores me full stop {.}
yeah i can see what you're saying, but honestly is the wwe or any other wrestling league not boring and predictable right now. the last surprise for me in wreslting was when edge came to smackdown with the money in the bank and became their champ in ten seconds. besides that nothing has been good in a long time.
I read the other answers first and most of them have the same issue .... and if you look to other Wrestling federation that Mr James E Cornett has run ... well those who fail history are doomed to repeat it, and I have a felling Cornett sucked at history.
Honestly, my prob;ems with TNA main events lately is that they hype them up and then deliver on a weak performance or dissapointing finish. I wonder how much did they hype up samoa joe and kurt angle for all the gold just to have a lackluster match, and yet again another swerve. Lately the problem with ppv main events is they all have the same idea of a swerve at every main event and dont really finish the storyline. Im still waiting for a rematch between Samoa joe and angle. And dont get me started on the overuse on interference, almost all main events this year involved interference. Same ol sh*t lately
It's always Sting and Kurt Angle, so it does get boring. They need to start pushing their homegrown talent.

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