Thursday, December 10, 2009

Should have sporting events been cancelled in light of the virgina tech shooting?

I find it disturbing that on the same day terrorism struck Virginia Tech and America by way of a mass slaughter of 32 innocent people,sporting events went on as usual. should have the pro sports leagues have postponed games for at least a week, like they did after 9/11? I did not feel like watching a ball game after witnessing a tragedy unfold on TV on a comparable scale to September 11th 2001. This is a time for America and the world to reflect and come together,not for meaningless playoff chases and home run records.This is the worst act of terrorism on U.S. soil since 9/11.I use the word terrorism because terrorism can take on different forms. I would appreciate your views on this subject.

Should have sporting events been cancelled in light of the virgina tech shooting?mr messed up

Take a dose of "Getoveritol"!

The economy moves forward and the events of yesterday are unequal to those of 9/11.

Tragic as the situation is--the war in Iraq is of greater impact. We are losing young Americans senselessly everyday at home and abroad.

Should have sporting events been cancelled in light of the virgina tech shooting?getting late opera theaterThank you! Our society is facing unique issues everyday. We must persevere! Report It

I could not agree with you more. Sporting events should have been cancelled for at least yesterday.
i totally agree with u, the sports could've waited.
No. Because the living must go on. It was a terrible tragedy and my thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the deceased and injured but we have to try to get on with our lives as best as we can.

Sports can be a healthy diversion. This was one justification that Pete Rozelle (the late NFL Comissioner) used to play the league games the Sunday following President Kennedy's assassination. The other was the fact that Kennedy was a football fan who would have wanted the games played.

I think the games should be played but a moment of silence should be observed for those who were killed.
Unfortunately I disagree. If you lend credence to this by shutting down events, then what's to stop the next loose cannon. Granted this was a massacre and a horrendous act, but won't the next psycho attempt another body count record??
Here is my take, do what you will, don't watch the news or post on websites, close up and withdraw for all is lost in our society because of one whacked out 23 year foreign national.

Life goes on, tragedy is part of life. Wallowing in pity is pointless.

I think about the world we live in and reflect on the one i grew up in. Life was much simpler. Me and my buddies could go to the creek and shoot frogs with our bb-guns, blow off very large fire crackers, so long as we didn't destroy something. We knew what personal responsibility meant at very early ages.

I believe the youth of our country are so into solutions because of the spoon feeding they get from the propaganda machine of the government/liberal/media complex they assume they never have to wear the mantle of responsibility themselves.

IF we sacrifice freedom for security based on government security we have neither security or freedom

If guns are outlawed only the outlaws will have them.

Beslan Russia - 300 plus children died as the result of terrorists, and the list goes on.

we have strong gun laws, and people with intent will find a way to perpetrate. Guns are tools as are fire, knives, pitchforks, ammonium nitrate, jet fuel, gasoline, the problem is NOT the object. The problem is the perpetrator.

I believe many people have become willing to usurp their personal liberty for security they will clamor for a police state before long.

I believe that tragedies such as this ought to give us a reason to pause and look at the causes as to why angry people do atrocious and horrific acts.

I believe the media is culpable. I believe that parents are culpable, I believe liberals are culpable, I believe by removing any semblance of conflict from schools we not given kids healthy outlets for conflict and aggression.

When I was a kid, I carried my 22 rifle and 20 gauge shotgun in the truck of my car so I could go hunting after school, I never once thought when I was getting picked on by a bully to go get the gun and kill him.. I thought differently because I respected myself and those around me. If it came to blows with the bully it would be with fists in the parking lot. a bloody nose generally stopped it.

Guns are not the problem. Ignorance of anything is dangerous and society has become ignorant of firearms. Both of my children have certified in hunter safety and firearm training. They not only know HOW to use firearms but HOW NOT to use them. This is the problem with schools today, we no longer accept firearms as a norm so they've become abnormal AND people clamor for control. This is wrong.

The media is wrong in reporting facts. This not the worse, not even close.
I agree with you. America should have been in a state of mourning yesterday.
I agree with you on some terms-But it is sad that the world goes on w/their business as if nothing happened. But then does the world need to stop for every tragedy that does occur within the US. I believe that they should have held off on the games at least that day and show the world that is ok to mourn for the lost of loved ones and even mourn for those you do not know. I have cried so many times today just thinking about it. I'm am scared for my kids and all the other kids out there in this world. we as a nation need to come together and snap out of the "me,me,me"thoughts that everyone has. The young man was crying for help in many different ways and everyone just walked by like he wasn't there. How hard is for each and everyone of us to stop and smile or say hello to people we see on the streets. The act of kindness goes a long way.

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