Thursday, December 10, 2009

The sequence of events of the money creation process?

In my text book it says that the sequence of events after the Central Bank (The Fed) buys securities from the banks happens like this:

1) Banks have excess reserves

2) Banks lend excess reserves

3) Bank deposits increase

4) The quantity of money increases

5) New money is used to make payments

6) Some of the new money remains a deposits

7) Some of the new money is a currency drain

8) Desired reserves increase because deposits have increased

9) Excess reserves decrease but remain positive

My only question is when banks lend the excess reserves how do bank deposits increase?

The sequence of events of the money creation process?opera house

Your textbook could be clearer.

I think what they mean here is that since Bank x take money it has (on it's books) and lends it to Bank y --- then Bank y puts that loan on it's books too --- hence deposits increase.

But I would ask your instructor (it's a good question) --- wouldn't Bank x make a corresponding liability so that overall why is there any change?

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